Making Art Making Change Website

My Role UX & Web Design
Project Type Freelance
Tools XD, Wordpress, CSS
Timeline 2 months
Final Project


Working with the branding created by Blok Design and under the guidance of their director, Vanessa Eckstein, I created a new website for the charity Making Art Making Change.

Check out the final version of the site I built here,

Stakeholder Objectives

Crisp and compelling feel
Succinct and clear messaging
Reflect profound impact and variety of org’s work
A portal for donations
Edgy and contemporary design
Effectively communicate vision & mission

Problem Space

Making Art Making Change has been operating as an arts organization for more than 10 years but has just recently confirmed their charity status. They are in the process of taking their organization to the next level and are seeking sponsorship. Through a redesign of their website, they want to reflect the profound impact that their work has, and to gain visibility as well as professional legitimacy.

Market & Visual Research

I gathered insights from the websites of similar organizations.

Sketch Landing Page
Jayu Landing Page
Lakeshore Arts Landing Page
Mabelle Arts Landing Page
Urban Arts Landing Page
User Research

User interviews were conducted with three people to ask them how they make decisions on whether to donate to an arts organization.

Participant criteria required users to be currently donating a significant amount of time or money to arts organizations.

Common responses included:

“I need to feel that my dollars are having an impact and are being used responsibly.”

“I need to have a personal connection in order to donate."

“I donate if the activities of the organization are meaningful to me."

"The site needs to be clean, easy to use and not have too many pages."

"I want to have a clear understanding of the organization's ission and activities."

Persona Development

Mid-fi Mockups


Current Iteration

Or check out the built out version of the site here.
